How To Download Jupyter Notebook From Anaconda Prompt

You could also launch jupyter notebook through command prompt.
How to download jupyter notebook from anaconda prompt. To install jupyter using anaconda just go through the following instructions. If everything goes right then jupyter will get installed within the python environment and to make sure that it is properly installed just type jupyter notebook in the command prompt. Start anaconda4 64 bit anaconda navigator 2. 8888 is port number. After anaconda navigator opens on the jupyter notebook section click the launch.
The steps to download packages in jupyter are the same as is done by normally downloading from the command prompt or anaconda prompt that is through pip or conda. Click on the install jupyter notebook button. To install jupyter notebook with anaconda you can use this command. Open anaconda navigator by using the windows start menu. Type jupyter notebook and it should show you to application to start from anaconda prompt by typing jupyter notebook at the anaconda prompt.
The jupyter notebook is a web based interactive computing platform. After successful installation open command line command prompt by typing cmd in search run in your windows. This will take you to the local host of your system where the jupyter notebook will get integrated allowing the users to access its features and work on the same. Now install anaconda following the steps mentioned. The notebook combines live code equations narrative text visualizations interactive dashboards and other media.
Conda install c conda forge notebook. To open juypter notebook hit the launch button and it redirect to your browser and opens up jupyter notebook interface. Jupyter notebook can be started using many ways most common ones are from the windows or mac search interface. Opencv for python will work in spyder. Type jupyter notebook in the command line which will open jupyter notebook in your browser with url http localhost 8888.