How To Use Multimeter Wikihow

When there is little resistance there will be a great deal of continuity and vice versa.
How to use multimeter wikihow. How to use a multimeter. A corrente alternada é a forma de energia elétrica que você recebe pela tomada e alimenta o micro ondas o televisor a máquina de lavar roupa etc. 1 x fonte de pesquisa as marcas na escala do mostrador podem ser de cores diferentes. Set the multimeter to ohms or resistance. To use a digital multimeter to measure voltage start by putting the black probe in the common terminal and the red probe in the terminal that s marked for measuring volts.
Read the value on the display. The black test lead connects on the ground side. Ele possui uma escala em forma de arco e um ponteiro que indica os valores lidos na escala. When multimeter measures resistance in ohms it can not measure continuity because resistance and continuity are opposites. To measure voltage you need to place your red test lead on the multimeter where you see the sign for voltage.
Again you probably won t even use half of the settings shown so don t get overwhelmed if you only know what a few of them do. For example if you re measuring the voltage in a 120 volt wall outlet. Use as funções de tensão para medi la em circuitos de corrente contínua cc e alternada ca. Your multimeter might also have a dedicated setting for testing the amperage of aa aaa and 9v batteries. Then set the multimeter to the kind of voltage you re measuring if it doesn t have an auto range function.
Connect the red probe to the positive side of your component which is where the current is coming from. To measure voltage you have to connect your multimeter in parallel with the component you want to measure the voltage. Stecke die schwarze sonde in die com oder negative buchse und die rote sonde in die v oder positive buchse stecke dann die anderen enden der sonden in eine steckdose und lies die anzeige am multimeter ab. Wenn du wissen möchtest wie du mit dem multimeter den widerstand oder ampere misst lies weiter. Localize o mostrador do seu multímetro.
Cada cor determina uma faixa de magnitude. Por outro lado a corrente contínua é fornecida por pilhas e baterias. Connect the com probe to the other side of your component. Then place the red test lead on the positive or powered side of the device or circuit you are measuring. If you re measuring ac voltage place the probes across the component.